We develop state-of-the-art therapeutic solutions to rehabilitate and optimize lower limb neuromuscular mechanics.
For Optimal
Lower limb function
Our disruptive technologies are revolutionizing gait-related pathology treatment methodologies and athletic performance.
What we do
We have pioneered a new scientific framework for understanding gait-related pathophysiology. This research has enabled us to develop highly effective methods of eliminating the primary underlying cause of most gait-related lower limb, hip, and back pathologies and sports injuries.
After years of research, in concert with leading health care and sports training professionals, we’re changing the way gait-related conditions and athletic performance are viewed.
Debunking the Myths
Long-term support and cushioning of the body (especially the feet) are outdated practices because they cause the body to become weaker and less capabile.
Rehabilitative Therapy
We have shifted the focus from treating symptoms to therapeutically addressing the cause of the problems by optimizing neuromuscular mechanics.
Performance Enhancement
For athletes, optimal neuromuscular gait mechanics is critical to Proper Technique function, maximum performance, and injury prevention.
Technology Development
We develop footwear-related technologies and products that enhance optimal gait-related neuromuscular function throughout the lower limb, hips, and back.
We develop educational programs and materials for health care professionals, athletes, coaches, footwear manufacturers, and consumers.
Generating New Ideas. Solving Big Problems
Who needs our gait-related technologies?
Population Experiencing Problems
Athletes experiencing injuries.
Preventable gait-related problems
Athletic Performance Enhancement

Why we are different
Conventional footwear, supportive orthotics, and cushioning insoles inhibit healthy neuromuscular function in two ways:
- Stimulus to the soles of the feet is muted and unchanging step after step. Therefore, the brain does not recieve sufficient information to iniate healthy protective reflex activations throughout the lower limbs, hips, and back.
- Footwear with stiff soles, shallow toes boxes, or restricitive arch areas. prevent the dynamic raising of the toes and arches that is critical to the stablization and optimal alignment throughout the feet, legs, hips, and back.
Over time, they train the poor alignment and inefficient muscle function that is the underlying cause of the majority of lower limb gait-related problems.
Footwear incorporating our technologies eliminate these unhealthy dynamics.
By providing optimal stimulus to the soles of the feet and allowing optimal foot and ankle movement, critical healthy function throughout the lower limb kinetic chain is trained and maintained.
Our Services
We provide a wide range of consulting services to health care professionals, and footwear and foot care product manufacturers.
The modern approach to addressing problems that arise from poor neuromuscular mechanics is to retrain healthy function. Recent advancements in neurology have crystallized a new scientific understanding of what constitutes healthy gait and sheds light on why gait-related problems develop.
We have been at the forefront of the development of this new scientific understanding and the development of the best means of addressing and preventing gait-related problems. Our goal is to assist health care professionals, sports trainers, and footwear manufacturers integrate this new science and technical know-how into the products and services that they provide to their patients, athletes, and customers.
- Health Care Education
- Sports training education
- Product Research and Development
- Improved manufacturing processes
- Marketing and communications